Monday, June 29, 2009

Spreading the Word

The time has come - my books need new homes.

the fire in me wants to make it interesting - under each book description, you can leave a comment - tell me and the world how much this book is worth to you. highest bidder wins. July 3rd is the last day to bid.

you can search by labels or just scroll the list...

have fun!

Positional Release Therapy: Assessment and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Dysfunction by Kerry J. DÀmbrogio and George B Roth

Bidding starts at $10 - Brand New

Positional Release Therapy: Assessment & Treatment of Musculoskeletal Dysfunction
The most up-to-date professional reference text on positional release therapy, this high-quality clinical text is applicable to the entire musculoskeletal system and easily integrated into physical therapy, chiropractic and osteopathic curriculums. With more than 600 illustrations and photos, this reader-friendly book clearly demonstrates tender point locations, treatment positions and other key topics. Written by clinicians who studied under the technique's inventor, this is a must-have for students and health care professionals who practice manual medicine.

visceral manipulation - revised by Jean-Pierre Barral & Pierre Mercier

Bidding starts at $10 - Brand new hard cover text

Visceral Manipulation (Revised Edition)

Osteopathy and other systems of manual medicine have developed a variety of models for understanding the mechanics of proper and improper motion of the musculoskeletal system. In this important and pioneering work, that same structural vision is applied to the visceral system.

The central premise of
Visceral Manipulation is that the interrelationship of structure and function among the internal organs is at least as strong as that among the constituents of the musculoskeletal system; and that, like the musculoskeletal system, manipulation of the viscera can be beneficially used in the treatment of a wide variety of problems affecting any of the body’s systems.

In this revised edition, over a hundred-and-thirty new illustrations and photographs, many of them in two colors, graphically depict the ideas in the text. Minor updates have also been made to the original text.


  • Basic Concepts
  • Thoracic Cavity
  • Abdominopelvic Cavity
  • Liver and Biliary System
  • Esophagus and Stomach
  • Small Intestine
  • Colon
  • Kidneys
  • Perineum and Bladder
  • Female Reproductive System
  • Coccyx
  • Index
  • The Endless Web: Fascial Anatomy and Physical Reality by R. Louis Schultz and Rosemary Feitis

    Bidding starts at $5. Brand New.

    Click to Enlarge

    The result of more than two decades of research and practice, The Endless Web presents in clear, readable language a comprehensive guide to understanding and working effectively with the myofascial system, the 'packing material' of the body. Myofascia is a flexible network of tissue that surrounds, cushions, and supports muscles, bones, and organs. It also acts as a riverbed containing the flow of interstitial fluid, and is a critical influence on the immune and hormonal systems. In daily life, this connective tissue is an underlying determinant of movement quality, modd, alertness, and general well-being. The Endless Web is a fully illustrated guide to understanding how myofascia works, it supportive role within the body's anatomy, and how gentle manipulation of the myofascial tissue is central to lasting therapeutic intervention and how it can be integrated into any bodywork practice.

    Unwinding the Belly: Healing with Gentle Touch by Allison Post and Stephen Cavaliere

    Bidding starts at $5 - brand new


    Developed by the authors in a dynamic partnership of 18 years, Unwinding the Belly integrates their experience in massage therapy, shiatsu, yoga, qigong, and the Eastern healing practice of chi nei tsang ("internal organ energy transformation").

    This book is subtitled healing with 'Gentle Touch. Unwinding uses gentle touch, breath and awareness to release internal patterns of tension. Co-author Allison Post first developed this work to address her won chronic health concerns. "I developed Unwinding the Belly because I found that everything I needed to heal was there, within my belly, my center," writes Post. "I only had to unwind the tissue and release the stress to find that the pattern of health, the blueprint, had always been there, waiting to reveal itself to me."

    Unwinding the Belly presents a simple and clear way of contacting the intuitive and emotional center that lies in the belly, using breathing practices and gentle abdominal massage techniques to release tension. The authors maintain that unwinding can help ease physical and emotional stress, aid a wide range of digestive ailments, tone the internal organs, support optimal functioning of the immune system, and promote renewed energy and peace. Post and co-author Stephen Cavaliere present five phases of unwinding, beginning with belly breathing and massaging the surface of the belly, then progressing to such stages as lateral breathing to release the abdomen, as well as the torso and back. They provide inspirational client accounts, and pose and answer pertinent questions.

    Friday, June 26, 2009

    Healing Massage Techniques: Holistic, Classic and Emerging Methods by Frances M. Tappan

    Bidding starts at $5. Good condition.

    This pioneering book in massage therapy provides basic information on the art and science of effective healing massage techniques in quick-learn, easy-to-understand terms. Whether you're a licensed massage therapy practitioner, health related professional, or just interested in basic massage therapy techniques, this is the book for you! The authors carefully examine the foundations of healing massage, western massage techniques, contemporary massage including myofascial techniques, trigger points, lymphatic drainage massage, foot reflexology, Asian bodywork therapy and applications of massage. For those involved with therapeutic massage and bodywork.

    Turn Stress into Bliss by Michael Lee (Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy)

    Turn Stress Into Bliss

    Turn Stress Into Bliss is an at-home version of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. The book includes a description of the course and its results, why it works, and then a complete eight-week program, including meditations, asanas, and lifestyle changes that readers can do on their own.

    Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, a well-respected certifying yoga school and organization, has created a program to help people reduce stress through yoga. The eight-week program has helped students find a 55% reduction in stress-related symptoms (mostly of a physical nature, such as upset stomach, headache, etc.). These findings have already been reported in Yoga Journal.

    Author, Michael Lee is the founder of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, a well-known and well-respected organization that certifies yoga therapists. He has a great reputation in the yoga world and is often quoted in Yoga Journal and other publications.

    Yoga Education for Children by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

    Bidding starts at $5. Brand New Condition

    Yoga Education for Children
    Yoga Education for Children looks at the teaching of yoga to children of all age groups. The first section addresses the topic of yoga and education. Articles and advice from international teachers in the field of yogic education explore the specific needs of children and how yoga can help in their daily life. Topics include: youth problems, integrating yoga into the classroom and improved methods of education.

    The second section discusses the benefits of yoga therapy in relation to specific groups: the emotionally disturbed, the disabled and juvenile diabetics. The third section on practical yoga provides detailed instructions for asana, pranayama, concentration techniques and yoga games for children of all ages.

    This book is an ideal reference manual for yoga teachers and parents. Line drawings and diagrams are included.


    Bidding starts at $5. Great condition.



    The classic guide to yoga -- clear, comprehensive and superbly illustrated. Easy-to-follow instructions and authoritative teaching cover all aspects of this timeless discipline -- an inspiration for the beginner and expert alike.

    * Develop a fit and beautiful body
    * Keep youthful in every stage of life
    * Eat wisely and well
    * Breathe for life and vitality
    * Improve your health
    * Enjoy a troublefree pregnancy
    * Banish stress and tension
    * Increase your powers of concentration
    * Experience peace of mind

    Thursday, June 25, 2009

    Imagine That!: A Childs Guide to Yoga

    Bidding starts at $5. New condition.


    The magical poems and illustrations in this book of Yoga postures will capture the imagination of children, as well as introduce them to hatha poses, relaxation, pranayama (yogic breathing), and meditation. A section of guidelines for parents will help them explore Hatha Yoga with their child through the beautiful natural imagery in this wonderful book.

    Fly Like a Butterfly: Yoga for Children by Shakta Kaur Khalsa

    Bidding starts at $5. Good Condition

    Fly Like A Butterfly: Yoga for Children

    Practices of Yoga for the Digestive System by Dr.Swami Shankardevananda

    Practices of Yoga for the Digestive System, Dr.Swami Shankardevananda, AYURVEDA Books, Vedic Books

    Bidding starts at $5. Great condition.

    Practices of Yoga for the Digestive System

    by Dr.Swami Shankardevananda

    Faulty diet, tension and lack of exercise are the chief causes of most digestive disorders. This book explains how the practices of yoga and yogic diet can be utilized to balance these factors and eliminate digestive problems. Written by Dr.Swami Shankardevananda Saraswati under the guidance of Swami Satyananda Saraswati, the book combines the traditional medical view with the ayurvedic and yogic views of healthy digestion.

    Includes practical information on food and digestion: a medical section on digestive disorders, their causes and cures: and a practice section complete with detailed instructions and diagrams.

    This book deals with the digestive system in three sections. The first covers the physiology of digestion, the psychology of hunger and eating, and the ayurvedic and yogic view of digestion and food habits.

    The second section describes the patho-physiology and yogic management of a variety of digestive disorders from simple wind and indigestion to nagging acidity, annoying constipation and piles, distressing diarrhoea and dysentery, with special reference to diet.

    The third section deals with the yogic practices needed to remove digestive disorders and keep the digestive system in good health. Clear instructions and diagrams for each practice are given, which even a beginner can follow.

    The text was written by a qualified and experienced doctor in this field under the guidance of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

    About the Author:

    A medical doctor by profession and an Australian by Birth,Dr.Swami Shankardevananda met Swami Satyananda Saraswati in 1974 and evinced keen interest in blending alchemically the science of Yoga and medicine into a unified system.Pursuing his interest in yoga he travels around the world and teaches yoga.He has also authored another Book "The Effects Of Yoga on Hypertension".

    osho - love, freedome, aloneness - the koan of relationships

    Bidding starts at $5. Brand new.

    Love. Freedom. Aloneness

    In this provocative book, Osho develops a contemporary vision of love without the bondage of morality / moral codes. Freedom and love are inseparable in Osho's vision. But aloneness is also part of it. For Osho, aloneness is not contrary to being loved, but it is rather complementary. Love, Freedom, Aloneness - this is the trinity for individual fulfillment in a modern society.

    We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Aloneness is our very nature, but we are not aware of it. Because we are not aware of it, we remain strangers to ourselves, and instead of seeing our aloneness as a tremendous beauty and bliss, silence and peace, at-easeness with existence, we misunderstand it as loneliness.
    oneliness is a misunderstood aloneness. Once you misunderstand your aloneness as loneliness, the whole context changes. Aloneness has a beauty and grandeur, a positivity; loneliness is poor, negative, dark, dismal.

    Monday, June 15, 2009

    Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement by Tony Weschler

    Bidding starts at $5. Gently Used.

    Are you unhappy with your current method of birth control? Or are you demoralized by your quest to have a baby? Do you also experience confusing signs and symptoms at various times in your cycle, but are frustrated by a lack of simple explanations?

    This invaluable resource will help you find the answer to your questions while giving you amazing insights into your own body.

    Taking Charge of Your Fertility has helped literally hundreds of thousands of women achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy naturally, or simply gain better control of their health and lives. This book thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method, which in only a couple of minutes a day allows you to:

    • enjoy highly effective and scientifically proven birth control without chemicals or devices
    • maximize your chances of conception before you see a doctor, or expedite your fertility treatment by quickly identifying impediments to pregnancy achievement
    • increase the likelihood of choosing the gender of your baby
    • gain control of your sexual and gynecological health

    Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation by Richard Bartlett

    Bidding starts at $5

    Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation

    "Matrix Energetics applies the principles of quantum physics as a unique and effective approach to healing. This is the essence of energy medicine." -- C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., president of Holos University Graduate Seminary, founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association, and author of Life Beyond 100

    "Richard Bartlett is an invaluable gift to this world. He is one of the few people on the planet who are breaking the boundaries of what we have imagined to be possible for humankind." -- Rhonda Byrne, executive producer of
    The Secret

    Matrix Energetics does more than just take you past the cutting edge -- it launches readers through a new set of beliefs about what constitutes health and what is possible for us to affect immediately. I have been in the business of personal transformation for many years and can assure you that reading this book will open all your senses to more of what you are truly capable of." -- John J. La Valle, M.B.A., NLP Master Trainer and co-author of Persuasion Engineering™

    Matrix Energetics is powerful, versatile, easy to learn, and simple to use. It is not limited to any one form of healing. For over fourteen years, I have witnessed physical, emotional, and disease reversals, including terminal cases. Dr. Bartlett's methods are among the most exceptional of the healing modalities that I have studied. This book will be of long-term value to all who read it." -- Christopher Hegarty, Ph.D., alternative health researcher/journalist and former editor for Alternative Medicine Magazine

    Product Description

    In 1997, Dr. Richard Bartlett experienced an event that would redirect the entire course of his life.

    He suddenly discovered that by lightly touching his clients while at the same time applying focused intent, he could restore them to a physically, mentally, and spiritually balanced state, instantly shifting misalignments that had plagued them for years. Most astonishing of all, he could teach anyone how to do this. Now, for millions of people looking for empowerment in an age of declining and impersonal healthcare, Dr. Bartlett shares this phenomenon in a book full of explosive potential.

    In Matrix Energetics, Dr. Bartlett builds upon his popular seminars to teach us how to access the discovery he has made -- a process that merges the science of subtle energy with our innate imaginations to produce measurable results. By applying forces known to modern physics, each of us can tap into states of healthy awareness from different moments -- in essence, travel in time -- and bring them into the present for immediate, profound results. As Dr. Bartlett clearly shows, this practice requires no special training, produces transformation in the blink of an eye, and is available to everyone who has a willingness to learn.

    Matrix Energetics, The Science and Art of Transformation, provides an easily-reproducible, results-oriented process of change that draws on the fundamental principles embraced by the field of quantum physics. This paradigm-busting book can teach anyone how to access their creative power to heal and transform their lives. Dr. Richard Bartlett discovered that what he once thought about the human body was just the tip of the iceberg -- after seeing change beneath his hands, and hearing about the invisible transformations that were often revealed later -- he knew that he had to pass along what he had discovered.

    The Breathing Book - Good Health and Vitality Through Essential Breath Work

    Bidding starts at $5. Like new condition.

    “Donna Farhi has written THE BOOK on breath.
    Through gentle breathing practices, we allow healing and integration to take place naturally without effort or force.”
    -Erik Peper, Ph.D., director of the Institute for Holistic Healing Studies, San Francisco State University

    Secrets of Marma: The Lost Secrets of Ayurveda

    Bidding starts at $5. Like new Hardcover from India.

    Secrets of Marma: A Comprehensive Text Book of Ayurvedic Vital, Avinash Lele Subhash Ranade, David Frawley, AYURVEDA Books, Vedic Books

    The science of Marma was shrouded in mystery for a long time, as it was taught only to certain people; to prevent its misuse. Marma science has many facets related to other sciences like martial art, Yoga etc. This is the first book which has put together all these aspects with marma points.

    About the Authors:

    Dr. David Frawley (vamadeva Shastri) is recognized both in India and the West for his knowledge of Vedic teachings, which include Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, and yoga. He is the author of twently books published over the last twenty years, including Ayurveda and the Mind, Yoga of herbs, Ayurvedic Healing and Astrology of the Seers. His Vedic translations and historical studies on ancient India have received much acclaim, as have his journalistic works on modern India. Dr. Frawley is the director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies and is on the editorial board of the magazine Yoga International for which he is a frequent contributor. He is also the president of the American council of Vedic Astrology (ACVA).

    Dr. Subhash Randade, is one of the foremost eastern experts on Ayurveda. He is also the author of numerous books and teaches Ayurveda worldwide. He regularly visits Europe and America. These two experts bring together the best of East and West in explaining Ayurveda relative to current health and fitness needs.

    The Greatness of Saturn - a Therapeutic Myth

    Bidding starts at $5. Like new condition.

    Saturn got you down? You must read!

    The Greatness of Saturn allows you to experience directly the healing power of one of the world's greatest myths.

    The telling of mythic stories has always been a powerful form of therapy, bring healing to people facing adversity. The Greatness of Saturn is such a therapeutic myth, told and retold through many centuries. Taken from the Vedic tradition, it honors the planet Saturn, who personifies time, limitation, loss, and all forms of adversity.

    No person goes through life without sometime being touched by Saturn. This book presents a classic Saturn story and a clear view of the cosmology from which the story came. As we hear the story and come to understand its context, we experience a deeper understanding of what it means to be human.

    Nawa Yogini Tantra - Yoga for Women by Swami Muktananda - Bihar School of Yoga

    Bidding starts at $5. Like new condition - from India.

    Nawa Yogini Tantra: Yoga Practice for Females, Swami Muktananda, YOGA Books, Vedic Books

    This book is written exclusively for women from the outlook of a woman.

    The first section, on spirituality, describes the important role of women in social and spiritual evolution, and traces their development from menarche to menopause. The second section discusses special applications of yoga for backache, depression, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy, prolapse, overweight and others.

    Each chapter inspires the woman to help heal herself and regain her divine power through the practices of yoga. The third section deals with yoga sadhana and includes a guide to yogic practice, explaining where, how and when to practice. Techniques are divided into three levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced.

    Important reference for yoga teachers.

    About the Author:

    The Author is a direct disciple of the Founder of Bihar School Of Yoga, Swami Satyananda Saraswati. She is also the Author of the famous Book Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

    Diagnose, Cure and Empower Yourself by Currents of Breath by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

    Bidding starts at $2. Gently used condition. From Shantikunj, Hardiwar.

    The deep science of Swara Yoga - regulating the flow of prana through ida and pingala through the breath.

    Yoga Nidra by Swami Satyananada Saraswati - Bihar School of Yoga

    Bidding starts at $5.

    Yoga Nidra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, YOGA Books, Vedic Books , Yoga Nidra, Satyananda, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Bihar School of Yoga, BSY, relaxation, stress, yoga, meditation, technique, sleep

    People feel that they are relaxing when they collapse in an easy chair with a drink or a cigarette and read a newspaper or switch on the television. But this, in fact, is merely a sensory diversion; true relaxation is an experience far beyond all this. For complete relaxation you must remain aware. This is Yoga Nidra, the state of dynamic sleep.

    This book introduces the practice of Yoga Nidra explaining how it works in both yogic and scientific terms. It includes several class transcriptions and covers the many applications of this versatile technique which has been used for deep relaxation, for educational purposes and to harmonise the deeper unconscious.

    "In my early childhood I was guided through Yoga Nidra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and it is only now that I am becoming aware of the depth of the instructions and training I received."

    Quote from Swami Niranjanananda.

    Suitable for all practitioners.

    About the Author

    Swami Satyananda Saraswati is the author of such great classics like Asana Prana Yama Mudra Bandha, Kundalini Tantra, Sure Ways to Self-Realisation, Prana Prana Yama Prana Vidya, Meditations From Tantras, Surya Namaskara and many others.

    Moola Bandha The Master Key by Swami Buddhananda

    Bidding starts at $5. In New condition.

    Moola Bandha (The Master Key), Swami Satyananda Saraswati, YOGA Books, Vedic Books , Swami Satyananda Saraswati, yoga, bandha, kundalini, Moola Bandha, The Master Key

    This bo

    ok is dedicated to those honest and relentless yoga practitioners who are searching for the master-key to unlock the door to the abode of maha kundalini. Little has ever been written on the ancient practice of bandha, which is regarded as an important aspect of both hatha and kundalini yogas. Moola Bandha is a simple yet dynamic practice with profound physical, mental and spiritual benefits for the practitioner.

    The text focuses on the theory and practice of bandha. The physical, pranic and psychotherapeutic effects are explored, including the relationship between moola bandha and acupuncture. A concise practical section includes both preliminary practices and advanced techniques to enable the practitioner to pursue this sadhana to the utmost, thus awakening the primal energy within. Includes the drawings and diagrams.

    About the Author:

    The Author realizing the limitations of drugs and traditional psychotherapy to cure the psychiatric and psychologically disturbed patients pursued his search for a more practical and effective method to reintegrate the mind and the body, moving through the normal healing techniques of acupunctrue, naturotherapy, massage and herbalism and culminating in the discovery of yoga. Under the guidance of Swami Satyanananda Saraswati, he gained profound insight into the mechanics of the mind, depression and neurosis as well as the yogic technique to alleviate much of the suffering.

    Moola bandha emerged as one of the main componenets of Swamiji's teachings, prompting Swami Buddhananda Saraswati to an intensive theoretical and practical study. The outcome of this search and it's implications for modern man are to be found in this book.

    Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide by David Frawley

    Bidding starts at $5. Like new condition.

    AYURVEDIC HEALING is a complete manual of Ayurvedic health care. It offers the wisdom of this ancient system of mind-body medicine to the modern reader relative to our special health concerns today. It provides an Ayurvedic treatment for all the main common diseases of the systems of the body from the digestive system to the nervous system and mind, giving special dietary and herbal recommendations, including specific herbal formulas.

    The 2001 edition is an expanded version of the original 1989 edition, covering additional diseases and adding new treatments. The book remains one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic treatment manuals in the West, used widely by Ayurvedic and herbal practitioners.

    Yogini: Unfolding the Goddess Within by Shambhavi L Chopra (David Frawley`s wife)

    Bidding starts at $5. Like new condition.yoginicover.jpg

    A best selling India title on the direct experience of the Goddess and deeper Yoga practices by an important modern practitioner. The book has already undergone several reprints and regarded as a classic in the field. We recommend the book to those who want to know the essence of Tantra and the worship of the Goddess. Note articles on our website by Shambhavi on our on-lines articles section.

    Yogini: Unfolding the Goddess Within is a profound and personal exploration of Tantra as an inner spiritual path.It dwells on the incredible discovery of unfolding shakti or spiritual energy as the essence of all that we can see and experience in life. Written in an easy to understand language, with short chapters that highlight the power and presence of the Goddess, the book has captivated many readers worldwide. Yogini shows the living tradition of Goddess worship in India. Selection: Yogini: the Enlightened Woman.

    Yogini will transform your idea of Tantra and allow you to experience its full flowering and effulgence woven in the tapestry of life. It will help awaken the Yoga Shakti within you, which will take you on an inner journey to realms unknown, unpredictable, magical and sublime.
    David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri), author Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses

    The simple grace of Shambhavi's intense and intimately personal experiences narrarated in this book are divine symbols of life. Her book is a rhythm that scintillates the inner steppes of the mind, brimming with light. Shambhavi's striving ripens as the heart-work of consciousness.

    Prof. Lokesh Chandra, Padma Bhushan

    Yogic Secrets of the Dark Goddess by Shambhavi L Chopra (David Frawley`s wife)

    Bidding starts at $5 - gently used condition
    Perhaps the most important new book on the Goddess Kali to come out in recent decades, Yogic Secrets of the Dark Goddess unfolds the inner beauty, light, bliss and energy of the most enigmatic of the great Goddesses. The book consists of wonderful stories, direct encounters with the Goddess and profound wisdom on the cosmic and transcendent reality.

    Yogic Secrets of the Dark Goddess unfolds the mystic beauty of Kali, the most powerful but misunderstood of the great goddesses of India. The book is a living experience of the Goddess, both at a personal level and throughout the world of Nature. It unfolds a vast panorama of insight, devotion, mantra and meditation that propels the reader into a new vision of reality beyond life and death. Probably the most comprehensive and innovative examination of Ma Kali in recent decades, the book reveals all dimensions of life and consciousness in Kali's transformative dance. Selection: The Dark Goddess of Red Roses.

    yogic-secrets1.jpgShambhavi brings us the Goddess in all her mystery and majesty as the deepest power of our own awareness. The book is a perpetual dance of lightning, uncovering the hidden meaning of our lives and the deepest urges of our souls.
    David Frawley

    The transformational power of the feminine is revealed in Shambhavi's remarkable exploration of Gddess Kali. At this juncture in humanity, awakening the feminine offers hope that we can re-establish the balance of forces on Earth for the benefit of all.
    Deepak Chopra

    Shambhavi’s book is the first that I have seen which truly explores the many sides and qualities of Ma Kali, an aspect of the Goddess so frequently misunderstood and misconstrued. Through this beautiful book, the reader develops love, devotion and reverence for the Goddess, rather than the fearful awe which Her one-dimensional portrayals so frequently invoke. May Ma Kali’s parallel yet interwoven and inextricably linked aspects of tenderness and ferocity envelop our hearts, minds and souls, leading us closer and closer into the lap of the Mother.

    H.H. Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji Maharaj, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh

    Shambhavi relives what she has felt over the years in the blue of the sky, in the enormity of sacred mountains, in her enlightenment within, in the barefoot light of time. Her mind is ablaze on the steps of Kali in the waters of her consciousness.
    Prof.Lokesh Chandra

    Shambhavi writes with the heart of a devotee,the soul of poet, and the insight of a sage. Meditating on the names and qualities of KALI she carries us into the living presence of the Dark Goddess.Kali's awesome glory and unstoppable grace reverberate from every page.
    Linda Johnsen

    The Lost Secrets of Ayurvedic Acupuncture

    Bidding starts at $5 - Like new condition from India

    Product Description
    Ayurvedic Acupuncture is based upon the Suchi Veda, a 3,000 year old Vedic textwhich, in the Ayurvedic system, is the Science of Acupuncture. It has beenpracticed as an accessory therapy since it was used in conjunction with otherforms to effect healing. It belongs more correctly to the branch of surgery,one of the eight medical discplines of Ayurveda.

    Prana Pranayama Prana Vidya by Swami Niranganananada Saraswati - Bihar School of Yoga

    Bidding starts at $5 - cover is marked, other wise like new condition. Classic text from India.

    Prana, Pranayama, Prana Vidya, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, YOGA Books, Vedic Books

    Prana Pranayama Prana Vidya is an informative text on prana featuring the classic practices taught by Bihar Yoga. Through the techniques of pranayama and prana vidya, the vital force within the mind and body can be activated, regulated and increased. This book discusses the theory of prana and presents a systematic account of the pranayama practices, including detailed instructions and illustrations, and the different stages of prana vidya and other forms of psychic healing.

    This edition includes the original prana vidya practice as taught by Swami Satyananda.

    Suitable for intermediate to advanced practitioners.

    About the Author:

    Born in 1960, Swami Niranjanananda was initiated into Dashnami Sanyasa at the age of four. Groomed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, he has contributed over twenty Books and has become a worthy successor.

    Ayurveda Secrets of Healing by Maya Tiwari

    Bidding starts at $5 - well used, valuable resource for a deeper understanding of ayurveda as well as pancha karma manual for home and clinic cleansing.

    Ayurveda: Secrets of Healing

    Ayurveda: Secrets of Healing, widely considered one of the most authoritative texts written about a rejuvenative therapy called Pancha Karma, was printed in fourteen languages, used as a text and or reference guide in holistic centers, Ayurveda colleges, and universities worldwide.

    Ayurveda Secrets of Healing is the most complete offering of the original cleansing and rejuvenative therapies of Pancha Karma, first taught and practiced by the ancient Vedic seers. In this definitive work, Maya Tiwari is the first author to reveal this sophisticated and timeless healing process in a way which is both comprehensive and readily adaptable to modern western culture.

    The Power of Vastu Living: Welcoming your Soul into Your Home and Workplace

    The Power of Vastu Living

    Bidding starts at $5. Gently used, well loved resource.

    The Power of Vastu Living introduces a wonderfully accessible, room-by-room approach for organizing and decorating homes, apartments, and work spaces according to the timeless healing principles of vastu -- the sister science of yoga and ayurveda. Kathleen Cox's breakthrough system, Vastu Living, delivers all the practical tools you need to incorporate the organic, soothing properties of ancient vastu design into an increasingly overcrowded, hyper-stressed, and e-saturated world. Now you can

    create a home for your soul...
    restore well-being to your work space...
    celebrate your identity...
    design your vastu blueprints... every conceivable environment, from the kitchen, living room, home office, and bedroom to the company office, reception area -- and even the dreaded cubicle.

    Elevate modern life through the 5,000-year-old healing properties of vastu. Enhance your inner peace, rediscover your sense of mind-and-body harmony, and always, always make room for the soul.

    About the Author
    Kathleen Cox lived in India as a Vedic scholar for several years and was the primary writer for Fodor's India editions for twelve years. The founder of Vastu Living and, she consults and lectures on vastu around the world and is also the author of Vastu Living: Creating a Home for Your Soul. She lives in New York City.

    Ayurveda for Women - Robert Svoboda

    Bidding starts at $5. Like New (yep, didn`t get to reading this one either) - but Robert is one of my favourite teachers - I trust it is as profound as everything else I have heard from him.

    Ayurveda is an ancient and universal system of health and healing that can be used beneficially in any culture, in any era, by anyone. Focusing on the modern woman's need to heal and empower her body, mind and spirit in a fast-moving world, this fascinating new book:

    Explains the principles of a system of complimentary medicine that is rapidly gaining popularity.

    Offers practical advice to women of all ages on applying those principles in everyday life.

    Provides essential reading for all women interested in maintaining good health - physical, mental and spiritual - through simple, natural methods and complementary therapies.

    Rock Your World with the Divine Mother: Bringing the Sacred Power of the Divine Mother into Our Lives

    Bidding starts at $5. Like New.

    Rock your World with the Divine MotherRock Your World with the Divine Mother: Bringing the Sacred Power of the Divine Mother into Our Lives by Sondra Ray.By Teresa 'Chrissy' Conner Having spent the last three decades learning from the masters of India, Sondra Ray is a well-respected teacher of the femininity of divinity. Being her eighteenth book, Rock Your World with the Divine Mother is not a how-to manual, but rather the author shows us how to open up to the Divine Mother through her re-telling of various pilgrimages to Peru, Yugoslavia, India and more in her personal search of the Divine Mother. Sondra shows that no matter the religion or race, the Holy Mother's presence is alive and living within us all and can be found in Quan Yin, Kali-Ma, Amma (the Hugging Saint), Pele, the Virgin Mary, even in Babaji and in nearly every positive, living spiritual path.The chapter (1, Creating Miracles) featuring her empowering and humbling story of her visit to the Virgin at Medjugorie, Yugoslavia was exceptionally moving to myself. I could literally feel the spirit of the Divine Mother leaking off the pages and filling the room with its ambience, and I was brought to tears.Rock Your World with the Divine Mother is broken in three parts; the first focusing on Sondra's journeys and experiences, the second speaks of the ceremonies andfestivals (mainly in India) that celebrate the Divine Feminine, and the final part shows us how we can serve the Divine Mother through our work in serving humanity and through meditation and prayer. The intuitive appendices discuss the relation between our surrendering and womanly"afflictions" like breast cancer and menopause that haunt so many of today's women. Through them, the author shows how to reclaim your power. The final chapter is Sondra's very own personal prayer that sheinvites the reader to pray along with her. A moving finale to a fantastic tome.I read this book in one sitting, something I rarely ever do. This insightful manuscript will make anyone, man orwoman, want to surrender to the loving energy of the Divine Feminine.Highly recommended!

    Yoga: A Gem for Women by Geeta S. Iyengar

    Bidding starts at $5, Like New.

    Yoga, A Gem for Women presents a detailed, practical guide for the yoga student who wants to go deeper with her practice of Hatha Yoga. The book is divided into three sections that create an integrated path of yoga suitable for both the beginner and advanced student:

    Theory--Yoga and Women
    A natural bridge to health and well-being
    Practice--Knowing Your Body
    Techniques and benefits of over 80 asanas complete with photographs and detailed instructions
    Experience--On the Threshold of Peace
    Relaxation, breathing and the practice of meditation

    About the Author
    Geeta S. Iyengar is the distinguished student and oldest daughter of Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar--the internationally known Yoga master. She began practicing yoga as a 10-year old, only because she had to. She was so ill that she almost died. From this dire beginning, Ms. Iyengar became the world-renowned expert that she is today. She currently resides in Pune, India where she directs yoga studies at the Ramani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute along with her brother.

    Journey to the Wild Divine - Biofeedback Game

    Bidding starts: $50

    Retails for $299US + s&h + duty

    The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage. The First in "The Journey to Wild Divine" Adventure Gaming Series. Step out of time and into a realm of endless possibility, where you'll practice breathing and meditation techniques, like the heart breath, an ancient yogic breathing technique that will help you achieve control over your mind & body.

    Wearing three finger sensors that track your body's heart rate variability and skin conductance, you'll learn to use the power of your thoughts, feelings, breath and awareness to: * Increase relaxation * Restore balance and vitality * Improve physical & mental well being Wise mentors will teach you the skills you need, empowering you with yoga, breathing and meditation skills. Build stairways with your breath, open doors with meditation, juggle balls with your laughter, and so much more. The Journey makes biofeedback, a popular method of alternative health care, easily accessible and empowers you to take mind-body wellness, literally, into your own hands. Demo The Journey now!

    System Requirements:

    • 1.5 GB of disk space, 256MB of available RAM
    • 800 x 600, 24-bit color display
    • CD-ROM or DVD drive
    • Available USB port


    • Intel Pentium III or higher
    • 800 MHz processor (minimum)
    • 1.25 GHz processor (recommended)
    • Windows 2000 or Windows XP or Vista
    • QuickTime 6.3 or higher (Quick Time 6.5 included)
    (note, the biofeedback device is not quite as shown)